Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Bargello

The Bargello museum here in Florence is one of my favorite. The collection is incredible and it's one of the best places to come and draw on a rainy day. I did a bunch of drawings on both visits, I'll be posting a few of those in the next few days. This is the first, which is a drawing Michelangelo's Apollo. This sculpture was debated about several occasions, first whether it was a Michelangelo or not and then whether is was an Apollo or a David sculpture. From further investigation the sculpture is now accepted as a Michelangelo and is sometimes referred to as the "Apollo-David" or "Apollinio" it is still one of my favorite sculptures at the Bargello and an excellent example of Michelangelo's Non-Finito pieces.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Brunelleschi's cupola

One of my favorite places in Florence is the Biblioteca Delle Oblate. In this beautiful library there is a small caffe, the view of the cathedral from this caffe has to be one of the best in Florence. I go there often and I've painted and drawn there before (two years ago) so I decided to try again. I sat and had a macchiato and slowly I started my drawing. I usually move fast when I'm sketching, but I made sure I took my time and made an effort to be more precise. I am happy with the outcome although I would like to try again. So here is my drawing of the beautiful cupola of the Florentine cathedral designed by Renaissance architect Filippo Brunelleschi.


Sunday, October 4, 2015


The Cathedral of Fiesole.
